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I like to think about how nature intended things to be, while still asking how we can use this knowledge to be profitable and clever in our farm businesses.  What I have learnt from my discussion with Fred Provenza this week, about animal behaviour and grazing, is the perfect example of this.  Our agricultural sciences are sometimes much focussed around reductionist techniques and the physiology of plants and animals.  While we can learn a lot from this, there is also merit in standing back to observe a living thing interacting in its natural system (its ecology) and then discovering how we can use this to our advantage.

This is just what Fred Provenza, Professor Emeritus of Animal Behaviour and Management at Utah State University has done.  Fred’s real-world observations of wild and domestic animals along with his research of the past 40 years are all about how animals make a living through where they live and how they forage.  If I were to pick out a few words from his writings and my discussion with him that reflect the work it would be: Animal Health through Nutrition. Continue reading “ANIMAL HEALTH THROUGH NUTRITION” »

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It’s always great to get off the farm as I find I think in fresh ways and from a different perspective.  Mix with this being surrounded by people equally as passionate about farming in a conscious manner and it’s a pretty good combination – as we found at Acres USA.  I will share with you some detail of practices and growers techniques in time, but today I want to discuss where our food producing systems have gone wrong and that this creates opportunities for us as growers.

I am always aware of how our crop and livestock production systems affect the quality of soils, our animals and our food and, in turn, the health of us and our families.  After all, this is one of the reasons we changed the way we do things on our farm.  With young children, I wanted them to live in a safe, clean environment and I wanted to produce a product that is safe to consume.  As well as chemical free, I want to produce a mineral dense food that nourishes our bodies.

Despite being well aware of the problems with conventional production systems and the associated health problems, (and even changing our practices accordingly), I am still shocked as to the seriousness of this problem when I hear people like Don Huber of Purdue University speak.  Don shared the science behind why we should be concerned about the impacts of Glyphosate and GMO’s on the health of our soils, plants, animals and ourselves. Continue reading “OPPORTUNITIES IN PRODUCING CLEAN, NOURISHING FOOD” »

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